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The cabin has always been called just that, “the cabin.” It was as though there was only one in the entire world. To my family there was. These are the stories about the cabin. MORE

The Deer Head

Lori Narlock


Half-way through the season of berating the senseless men who shot animals in Africa for sport this summer, I realized I was joining in their condemnation on Facebook with a profile photo of the deer head at the cabin.


The deer head has been at the cabin for at least 20 years. I knew my father hung it on the wall, but I never asked where it came from. He wasn’t a hunter and although some of my cousins are, the only evidence of their hunts is in their freezers.

In 2008, when a fire threatened the cabin, the deer head was one of the items my sister and I packed up. It was incredibly fragile and a little creepy. After the fire subsided we returned it to its spot on the wall.

I never gave it another thought until last fall when I started using it as a proxy for my Facebook profile picture.

Around Christmas, I received a message on Facebook from my stepmother, Mary that answered the mystery of the deer head’s origins.

“This photo made my day! It was actually purchased at a low-end taxidermist!! If you remember, we dragged it all the way home from New Mexico in your Dad's new Jaguar. I'm surprised he allowed it!”

I loved this story. And I love the deer head, but I think I’ll replace it as my profile picture soon.