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Breakfast in our Cabin


The cabin has always been called just that, “the cabin.” It was as though there was only one in the entire world. To my family there was. These are the stories about the cabin. MORE

Breakfast in our Cabin

Lori Narlock

When I was nine years old, my parents split up and my brother, sister and I spent more time at the cabin with just my father. He loved to eat, would try anything and was easy to please. But he never embraced any aspect of food outside the consumption of it.

On the mornings when my father cooked breakfast he did so with enthusiasm. He took delight in letting us kids take a crack at whatever he was attempting to cook from his limited repertoire, including pancakes from a mix, French toast, and his specialty, Pepperoni and Eggs.

The pepperoni slices are cooked in a skillet until crispy on the edges and then whisked eggs are added and cooked until firm. A little salt and pepper and it’s finished.

My father had been a driver for Gallo Salame when my parents were first married. It was something he was really proud of and loved to tell people. This recipe must have been the product of that job. 

It’s become more challenging to find pepperoni or at least in the stick form, but this dish is worth the search and if you can't find a stick, a package of sliced will do. In honor of my dad I use Gallo. 

What makes me love this recipe all the more is that my son now helps me make it the way we once helped my dad.