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First Weekend of the Year


The cabin has always been called just that, “the cabin.” It was as though there was only one in the entire world. To my family there was. These are the stories about the cabin. MORE

First Weekend of the Year

Lori Narlock

We went to the cabin at the end of last month for the first time since fall. The first weekend of the year is always the best and the worst. 

It’s the best because we’ve forgotten how much work we need to do and so we go up with the intention to relax and have fun. But once we arrive the latter takes over for a bit when we realize how much work we have ahead of us.

We picked last weekend so we could meet the tree guy to get an estimate on taking down a couple of large trees. 

We nearly cancelled because wet, rainy weather was expected. But we stuck with our plans. 

Once we arrived we nearly turned around because the gas tank was empty, which meant no hot water, no stove (no coffee!) and no refrigerator (we could do without it).

But a quick call later (okay not so quick because the burner phone I set up just for these types of situations wouldn’t make a call out), the gas company sent a truck our way.

With our tank filled, the floors mopped and the beds made, we took a walk in the on-and-off rain. 

Our perseverance was rewarded with a plethora of wildflowers—more than I remember ever seeing. 

Even the sticker bushes and poison oak were in bloom.

Best of all were the unusual finds, like these leaves still covered in raindrops...

...and this crazy looking snail.