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Vacation Dreaming


The cabin has always been called just that, “the cabin.” It was as though there was only one in the entire world. To my family there was. These are the stories about the cabin. MORE

Vacation Dreaming

Lori Narlock

Relaxing in the hammock at the cabin with Josh and Tiny, who is hidden behind Josh's knees. This defines a real vacation in my book.

Relaxing in the hammock at the cabin with Josh and Tiny, who is hidden behind Josh's knees. This defines a real vacation in my book.

A true vacation should be an escape from your everyday life. Despite how much we work when we go to the cabin, it’s still a vacation, made so by being off the grid, not having our regular chores to do and timing things by daylight rather than a clock.


And it’s not just our cabin that offers that escape. Here’s a list of cabins, where life would be anything but every day.


If I stayed here I wouldn’t want to sleep; I’d just stare at the sky all night long.


Denmark knows how to build a well-designed cabin.


The UK has log cabins for the posh set to rent.


These cabins in NYC offer the best of both worlds—a cabin in an urban environment.


These snow-covered cabins look dreamy.


Proving that there's something inviting about small cabins in this Airbnb fave.


This cabin has a strange, Star Wars kind of feeling to it.