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Dawn to Dusk


The cabin has always been called just that, “the cabin.” It was as though there was only one in the entire world. To my family there was. These are the stories about the cabin. MORE

Dawn to Dusk

Lori Narlock

My favorite place at the cabin is the porch. Rain or shine, warm or cold I start every day there sipping coffee, flipping the pages of a magazine and planning the day's activities. 

At the end of each working day, the porch is where we take up residence to read a book (or the occasional tabloid magazine if I’m honest), drink wine and generally unwind without the siren song of electronics to distract us. 

From our vantage point on the porch we can watch the sun crest over the canyon or the fog melt away in the mornings and the sky fill with stars at twilight. It is a front row seat view of morning arriving and the day leaving.

Jack once commented on how my father must have had the track of sunlight in mind when he built the porch. On our last visit, I took these photos from early morning to late evening in an attempt to capture that special light. When I look at them, I’m reminded of why I love that spot so much.


A view from other cabins:

Down under

In Bordeaux with a catch

Close to our own cabin--with some crime to boot