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deer head.jpg


The cabin has always been called just that, “the cabin.” It was as though there was only one in the entire world. To my family there was. These are the stories about the cabin. MORE

The Deer Head

Lori Narlock

The deer head has been at the cabin for at least 20 years. I knew my father hung it on the wall, but I never asked where it came from. He wasn’t a hunter and although some of my cousins are, the only evidence of their hunts is in their freezers.

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My Dad's Porsche

Lori Narlock

Over the weekend, I drove up to the cabin for a day to help with some roadwork. We worked on the steep stretch of road between the first gate and the hairpin turn where the cow is. As we dug a ditch for rainwater and filled in the big rut already there, Gina stood back and said, “I can’t believe your father drove a Porsche up this road.”

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It's Off to Work We Go

Lori Narlock

I asked Jack to finish this sentence: When I think of the cabin, I think of BLANK.

We both agreed it was WORK. It was work when my grandfather and his brothers carved out the original footprint. It was work when my father built our cabin alongside his father. It is the work we do to maintain the cabin every time we visit.

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Arriving at the Cabin

Lori Narlock

I’ve always loved arriving at the cabin at night. I love stopping at the bottom of the road to unlock the gate…the swirl of dust in the headlights…the smell of sweet earth and bay…the cabin appearing after the last turn in the road. 

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